Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award

I was so excited when I read Mattie's blog last week to see that she had nominated me for this award!!
She is so sweet and she's getting married soon!! I love keeping up with her :) 

I've never been nominated for anything like this and I love forming relationships with other ladies through the blogging world :)

The rules are:
Provide a link and thank the blogger who nominated you for this award.
Answer a few questions about yourself.
Nominate 5-10 blogs that you love.
Include the award logo with your blog post.
I'll start with my answers to the questions and then I'll nominate a few people :)
Why did you start blogging?
 My auntie has blogged for forever and this past January I just decided that with getting married I wanted to document our life. I love keeping up with my aunt and her family (even though I see them 4/7 days lol) and I thought why not start my own??? I've also read Shay's & Andrea's blogs for awhile too! I want to look back in a couple of years and see what we were up to two years ago :)

How do you think blogging has changed your life?
I think blogging has made me appreciate the small things in life. When I write these posts I am writing about my husband, family, friends, and the things I love so I cherish everything that goes into this blog.

Has blogging created friendships for you?
It has...I've never met any of the bloggers I follow (except my aunt) but I love getting to know these women. The relationships I have built with some of you mean so much. I love the comments and emails...every one of them :)

What is your number one tip for blogging?
Hmm....I'm lost on this one. I love getting tips from other bloggers lol!
But I guess my tip would be not to get overwhelmed...if life gets busy and you don't post for a day or two don't stress it :)

What is your favorite kind of blog post to write and read?
 I really love...
They are my favorite to write and read because I get to tell everyone my favorites for the week and I get to read everyone else's too!

Is it hard to keep up with blogging and your regular every day life?
I'll admit...yes it is. But I love blogging and it is a way for me to put my thoughts into words and it has really helped me cope with all of the changes I have endured throughout this past year. I could not have gotten through it without Jesus by my side though :)
Have you met any bloggers you met through here?
Boo :( No I haven't...yet!!

How much time do you spend blogging?
 I try to start my posts at night and then finish them in the morning. I'd say an hour or two a day (maybe less).

What is your most popular blog post?
I am not sure how but this post is my most viewed post!
What is your favorite post on your blog?
 That is a hard one! My favorite one would have to be my posts about books :)
Call me crazy but I am a bookworm and I love talking about them!

These are my two favorite books this summer :) 

I've decided to nominate:

 Thanks so much Mattie for nominating me!! 


  1. I love that I'll have this to look back on some day! I already like looking at some of my older posts and I've only had my blog for like 3 months! Ha!

  2. I love reading and writing Friday Favorites as well :)
    Blog friendships are so much fun!
    Thanks for nominating me Blake!!
