Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Favorites

Yay for Friday again!!! Life this week has been busy and full....a big blessing :)
I'm joining Erika, Narci, & Andrea as usual :)
I'm also linking up with Astleigh for The Pick!
I found a new creamer to try and I love it!! I am really excited to stock up on pumpkin spice creamer though (my FAVORITE imagine that!) :)

I have no idea what was so funny but something was! My FAVORITE is an impromtu visit to my parents :)

And these two FAVORITES came early this week...also sweater weather too and I just love them!!!
Happy Friday friends and have a great weekend!!


  1. Blake, I hope you were not up to blog at 3:13 am. Get some sleep, you are going to need it when you come and visit me in the FALL like weather while we are camping!!!

    1. No my time on blogger must be wrong! And we are not coming camping lol!!

  2. Caramel marshmallow?! I need that creamer ASAP! And more yummy pumpkin BBW stuff?! Like I said yesterday, I need to stock up on it!!!

  3. Marshmallow pumpkin latte lotion sounds INCREDIBLE!
    Have a great weekend, Blake! :)
