Monday, August 31, 2015

Favorite Things- Summer Moment(s)

Today I'm joining ErikaAndrea for their Favorite Things!
I am showing you my favorite summer moment(s) :)

The end of April/beginning of May we went to St. Lucia and had the BEST time as a married couple!

We served Christ at Matthew 5:16 Day!

And we bought a house!!!
My work was in our Summerfest parade and we won judges' choice!

A lot of this happened!
We went to St. Louis to watch the Cubs play :)

We celebrated the 4th in style...watching slow pitch softball!

We headed to Outerbanks with family...

...this family and we loved every second :)

Played catch-up with my girlfriends :)

...watched some more softball!
Found bridesmaids' dresses for Kylie's wedding!! :)
Celebrated Ashley's birthday!

I made quite a few cakes this summer!

And we celebrated Joe's 8th birthday Ninja Turtle style!!
It was a ton of fun looking back on our first summer as a married couple and the amazing people we have in our lives! I am so thankful for everyone of you :)

Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Favorites

Yay!! It's Friday again (the last Friday of August)!!! I love this Friday Favorites link-up and sharing my favorites for the week!!
I'm joining Erika, Narci, and Andrea today!
I am also linking up with Astleigh for The Pick!

I went to Walmart after work on Tuesday for some groceries and of course I had to stop by the fall decor :)
Just some FAVORITES I picked up this week!

And you know my love for fall candles!
These beauties came in this week and it most definitely was a FAVORITE!!

I knew I needed new shaving cream and I had seen the EOS vanilla bliss and wanted to try it! Listen, I tried it the night it came and it is the best!!! My FAVORITE is how smooth my legs felt after and the next day!!!

I mean I lit the pumpkin pie right away :)

I ordered a fall cookbook last week and it came so I had to write down some supplies I need to get :)
My FAVORITE was sitting down with a good ol' cup of coffee with my cookbook!

I love my Kind bars and when I found this flavor I was hooked even more!!
It is my FAVORITE treat in the afternoon!

I haven't used my heart rate monitor in awhile but last week I decided to go on a run and wanted to use it...well the batteries were dead. So I bought a new battery and have been using it ever since!
I love this thing and it is a FAVORITE seeing how many calories I've burned :)

This little boy is always a FAVORITE and he's so happy!!
He's almost crawling and gets into everything :)

My thoughts exactly! September is next week...I can't believe it!
Another FAVORITE is this new shade from Revlon!
These polishes are my FAVORITE!
And last but not least I got to see Jaelyn play last night. She is in 7th grade and this was her first home volleyball game. They play best out of 3 and I didn't get there until the second match. The score was 1-1 when she started serving and as you can see above that was the final score! She served for 24 straight points! I am so proud of her...her serves were very strong! My FAVORITE highlight of the week!
Have a great weekend!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Owning It

I've decided that my "Owning It" is going to be about coffee today :)
About a year or so ago I found my love for coffee! It started at an internship where I was there very early in the morning and they had a coffee pot in the office. I decided to try it and with a little creamer I can't go without it!!


I Noah turns the Keurig on every morning and gets my coffee started and I use a cup like above on the way to work!

Or when I need a mid-day pick me up gas station coffee will do!
I can't wait for our coffee shop to be here!!

Starbucks for the airplane :)

And I love me some pumpkin spice latte :)
Some of my favorite creamers :)
I love love pumpkin spice latte creamer, french vanilla, coldstone caramel and a few more :)

A favorite quote :)

I can drink coffee anytime of the day and it still tastes yummy :)
It doesn't affect my sleep at night if I have any in the evening or before bed!
A couple of others I have tried and like include classic roast & gingerbread (I can't find it on the site anywhere)!
I would love to try some different kinds of tea...does anyone have any recommendations??
I would love to hear them!!
I am linking up with Christina for her Owning It series :)
Tomorrow my Friday Favorites are up!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

What's Up Wednesday {8/26/15}

It's What's Up Wednesday again!! I can't believe August is almost over but that means September is right around the corner! And October is after that!! My two favorite months of the year!
I'm joining Mel, Shay, & Sheaffer today!
What we're eating this week...
...Sunday night I made Mix & Match Mama's crockpot chicken tacos and with only two of us in the house it lasts awhile!
What I'm reminiscing about...
Last week, I blogged about my high school days and I am reminiscing about this little boy!!
What I'm loving...
...anything pumpkin or fall :)
What we've been up to...
...enjoying married life!
What I'm dreading...
...nothing at the moment :)
What I'm working on... lifestyle, when I say this I mean changing what we eat and how I view things.
Eating has always been my downfall and it still is (because I like food) but I really try to think about my choices. We don't have children yet and I know life will get hectic and I want to be at my healthiest before we have children. I want to be healthy for my husband & (future) children!
With that being said Noah and I both have made a concious effort to eat healthier and make time to exercise...we are doing pretty well :)
But we all have slip-ups, it's something we are working on!
What I'm excited about...
...we are headed to another Cubs game in September and we are so excited we get to see them play again!
Except this time it's at Wrigley!!
What I'm watching/reading...
Playing catch-up on Bachelor in Paradise is hard! Especially when I don't have time on Mondays to watch but I am addicted lol!!

Even though summer is almost over I am currently reading this :)

What I'm listening to...
 I am really loving's country, today's Christian hits, & today's hits!
What I'm wearing...
...this is all I've got!
I need to be better about taking pics before I change into comfy clothes :)
What I'm doing this weekend...
working....and spending time with family.
What I'm looking forward to next month...
...I am looking forward to cooler weather. The past few days have been a little cooler and I am loving it! I've been using my lunch break to get out and walk and it's the perfect weather!
...I am looking forward to decorating the outside of our home!
What else is new...
...I always say that nothing is new and I am trying really hard to think of something new!
Yesterday I talked a little bit about my faith and things that have been weighing heavy on my heart I guess that is new :)  
What is my favorite back to school tradition...
 Hmm....I don't really have one but I am excited to start some once we have children :)
Happy Wednesday friends!