Friday, August 28, 2015

Friday Favorites

Yay!! It's Friday again (the last Friday of August)!!! I love this Friday Favorites link-up and sharing my favorites for the week!!
I'm joining Erika, Narci, and Andrea today!
I am also linking up with Astleigh for The Pick!

I went to Walmart after work on Tuesday for some groceries and of course I had to stop by the fall decor :)
Just some FAVORITES I picked up this week!

And you know my love for fall candles!
These beauties came in this week and it most definitely was a FAVORITE!!

I knew I needed new shaving cream and I had seen the EOS vanilla bliss and wanted to try it! Listen, I tried it the night it came and it is the best!!! My FAVORITE is how smooth my legs felt after and the next day!!!

I mean I lit the pumpkin pie right away :)

I ordered a fall cookbook last week and it came so I had to write down some supplies I need to get :)
My FAVORITE was sitting down with a good ol' cup of coffee with my cookbook!

I love my Kind bars and when I found this flavor I was hooked even more!!
It is my FAVORITE treat in the afternoon!

I haven't used my heart rate monitor in awhile but last week I decided to go on a run and wanted to use it...well the batteries were dead. So I bought a new battery and have been using it ever since!
I love this thing and it is a FAVORITE seeing how many calories I've burned :)

This little boy is always a FAVORITE and he's so happy!!
He's almost crawling and gets into everything :)

My thoughts exactly! September is next week...I can't believe it!
Another FAVORITE is this new shade from Revlon!
These polishes are my FAVORITE!
And last but not least I got to see Jaelyn play last night. She is in 7th grade and this was her first home volleyball game. They play best out of 3 and I didn't get there until the second match. The score was 1-1 when she started serving and as you can see above that was the final score! She served for 24 straight points! I am so proud of her...her serves were very strong! My FAVORITE highlight of the week!
Have a great weekend!


  1. love all of your candles- I may need to try one of these :) Visiting from Friday Favorites!

  2. I've been eyeing those candles too!! And LOVE Gooseberry Patch - I have never seen the Autumn one though! And what color/style is your Revlon polish!? Love that color!!!

    1. The candles are my favorite :) I think it is called two of a kind...Happy Friday!

  3. Stopping in from Friday Favorites! I also LOVE those candles-- Bath and Body Works 3-wicks are some of the absolute best candles on the market! Have a great weekend!

  4. Too many good favorites! Everyone with their BBW candles is making me have major envy! I vow to buy some this year! That KIND bar flavor...YUM! And I love hat nail polish color!

    1. Go buy one now!! Thanks Mattie have a great weekend!

  5. Stopping by from the linkup! Ohhh my all the pumpkin stuff! I love anything pumpkin too =) I've never bought a bath and body works candle, but i'm assuming they are awesome! And the nailpolish...please share the color of it because I love it!!

    1. Yes they are the best! It's two of a kind...the perfect fall color!

  6. I share your love of all things Fall!! Lately whenever I go into a store, I head straight to the Fall section! I hope you have a great weekend! - Seri from

  7. I just went to Hobby Lobby for fall decor--I love decorating for seasons! And I went to Cracker Barrel this morning for breakfast and almost bought that same cookbook!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  8. I love that color of nail polish! It looks like you love fall time just as much as I do. I just recently made some healthy pumpkin cookies if you are interested
