Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Favorites

Yay for another Friday...I can't believe it's the last one of July!! Oh well that means closer to everything fall :) 

I'm linking up with ErikaNarci, & Andrea for Friday Favorites and Astleigh for The Pick!

My white earrings came in this week and I've worn them 3 times!! To say they are my FAVORITE is an understatement!! 

Yesterday I owned the fact that I still sleep with my stuffed dog and that's a FAVORITE for me!

I guess another FAVORITE would be Noah's picture taking abilities!! 
I wanted him to take the picture of my with my dog and I found these on my phone after so I had to share :) 

Wednesday night Mexican is a FAVORITE in our household!!

And of course a burning candle is always a FAVORITE!! 
To check out some of the fall scents, click here

And last but not Secret Santa (at work) laid this on my desk yesterday!!! This was definitely a FAVORITE for the week!! My Secret Santa knows me so well :) 


  1. Your earrings are too cute! But none of this talk of Fall! I'm not ready yet. Summer just started around here.

  2. Love those BP studs! I bought them in hot pink and light pink and am already considering getting more! What is it about Mexican on Wednesdays? That's the day I always want to go too!

  3. I'm looking forward to fall. It's my favorite season!

  4. Such a cute sign! I love fall decor, it's the best. Saw you on PTMT's score report today! :)

  5. Love those BP earrings, girl! You totally rock them! Fall scents at B&BW already? YES! Happy Friday, Blake!:)
