Friday, July 10, 2015

Friday Favorites

It's Friday again and you know what that means! I'm talking about my favorites from the week. 
I'm linking up with ErikaNarci, & Andrea!

My dad got my necklace holder up after finding hooks that would hold them! I am so excited and my FAVORITE is that my dresser is clutter free!!! And I thought I would throw in the pic of my bracelets too! 

This man...he's my FAVORITE! 

We leave for family vacation Sunday morning and it is the first year without my grandparents..we've been doing this for over 22 years. Two years ago we brought my grandma to my grandpa's grave to leave some sand (the ocean was his favorite) and this year their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren gathered to bring them both some sand. It's bittersweet not having either one of them with us but we know they are with us in spirit :) We joined hands and FAVORITE is the faith & love my family has. 

The girls headed to get manis & pedis done and my aunt Brenda came prepared :) 
It was a FAVORITE being pampered! 

I made cookies for a pitch-in at work and my FAVORITE was that Noah helped me ice them :) 

And last but not least my FAVORITE from yesterday was Ash texting me and telling me that this came in the mail!!!!
Eek!!! To say I was excited is an understatement! 


  1. Aww, so sweet that you all gathered to go see your grands before the vacation. It sounds like you have a wonderful family and I'm sure they were with you all in spirit.

  2. Hope you have a great vacation!! I'm also slightly jealous of your amazing necklace and bracelet collection!!!

    1. Thank you! Lol!!! My husband thinks otherwise :)

  3. Love that bracelet holder!! Where did you find that? So sweet that you all took some sand to your grandparents and prayed together. That's wonderful!!

    1. Thank you :) Here's the link:

  4. Your jewelry is so organized! I need to figure out some system.

    1. That's so sweet, thank you! It took me awhile to find the things to organize :)

  5. Love this post! I need a bracelet holder just like that one! - Seri from

  6. I love your jewelry storage! I have a few things but I really want a bracelet holder like that and something better for my necklaces! I really want cheese, crackers and wine now...mmm! Love that your aunt made you a photo book! So exciting!

  7. I would definitely eat that icing right from the jar. I wouldn't be very helpful;) I love that you brought your grandparents sand!!! I want to do that!

    1. I may or may not have ate some after the cookies were iced! The ocean meant a lot to my grandparents :)

  8. Mmm that frosting looks delicious! I love your jewelry organizers!
