Monday, July 20, 2015

Weekend Wrap-Up: The Last of Vacation

It's Monday morning :( And we are back to the reality of life! We had a great week away with family and here are a few pics I had to share :) 

Yummy popsicles on a warm afternoon! 

Susan was the queen of the pool this day :) 

Noah & Abby have such a funny relationship and they had so much fun on this trip! 

Their favorite dinner...steak & cheesy potatoes (not mine)

Friday night (the last night for some) we took family pictures! We do every trip and it is so neat to see the changes from year to year. Whether it's growing up, marriage, or having children I love this family and how we grow every time we go on this trip! 

My sister, dad, mom, my brother, Noah, & I. 

Dad & I 

My aunt Susan joined in :) 

Oh these two....they married sisters and love every minute of it! 

Throw John in there! 

This family :) 

Abby and her bf :) 

After pictures Susan had a surprise for us.....

These cards that hung on your nose and had different mouths on each side...they were so funny! 

Saturday morning Morgan and Abby decided they wanted to do this obstacle course so Mom and Dad took them.  They were allowed to do it for two hours so we arrived around 9 to watch them. 

And let me tell you it looked hard!!! There was no way I could've done it! That's Morgan :) 

And there's Abby! 

As you can tell they were thrilled about having their picture taken after they were done. I am so proud of them for doing it! It takes a lot of body strength to do that and I think they had fun! 

I guess vacation with the Mathias' wore him out :) 

I had to snap uncle John and aunt Brenda! 

On the last night when there were just a few of us left my cousin Mitch decided to let off another lantern for grandma...this time she actually went :) 

Yesterday we headed home and made a pit stop in West Virginia :) 
Talk about a gorgeous view!

Wanna know a good book to read??? This one right here! I could not put it down on the ride home!


  1. Those cards with the different mouths are so funny! I had to tell myself that the person wasn't really making the expression haha! I would love to go on a big family beach vacation. I need to pick up that book!

    1. It is so good!! I would love to mail it to you when I'm done :)

  2. Looks like you had a great vacation! I love the matching shirts! :) I hope the transition back to real life wasn't too painful today!

    1. Thank you, yes we had an amazing time! And it wasn't all that bad!

  3. love reading about your family reunion/vacation. the shirts are such a fun idea--too cute. a beach trip is always a great choice!

  4. Yay! Your vacation looks SO fun and I love the themed T-shirts!!!!!! How fun is that?! I am so in need of a vacation, so it was nice to live vicariously through yours!! :
