Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Favorites


Yay! It's Friday again and I feel like this week flew by!
I'm linking up with Erika, Narci, & Andrea!

My FAVORITE for this family is that they are traveling out west and they are having so much fun! I even hear they are staying up way past their bedtimes :) I can't wait for them to come home tomorrow...two weeks without you guys is to long!!

Oh my these earrings!!! They are my FAVORITE and $8!!!

I wore the mint ones yesterday but I wear a pair almost everyday!! (They just came out with white :)
I love them!!!
Here's a pic where I am wearing the light pink ones :)

These girlies are my FAVORITE!! We had dinner last night and were trying to figure out the last time we saw each's been to long! Dinner was short :( but we had fun as we always do and I am so thankful for the friends God has blessed me with!
This was my Bible verse this morning on my phone and it puts things into perspective for me.
There are so many people who are dealing with hard trials and I want to just pray for them. God has put these trials and hardships there for a reason and I want to pray for God's healing.
Have a great weekend!! XOXO :)


  1. Great verse to remember and even better to have those friends that you can indeed open up to! I love the earrings!!!! xo Amanda

  2. Love those BP $8 studs, I bought two colors in the sale but am thinking about getting more :) That's a very good Bible verse to reflect on!

    1. Yes I love love those earrings!! Have a great weekend!

  3. I seriously need to get my act together and buy those earrings. But now the tough part...which color first?! Have a great weekend!

    1. Yes they are amazing! I wear my light pink ones the most and I just bought the white ones yesterday!

  4. It is so nice to be someone's favorite!!!
