Friday, May 27, 2016

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday friends! :). It's Memorial Day weekend and I can't help but feel blessed. 

I'm joining the weekly link-up with ErikaNarci, & Andrea

First up on my list of favorites...this!!! I saved it early this week and thought it's a perfect analogy, right?? :). 

My Old Navy order came in this week and it's screaming summer!

I threw this tank on Tuesday night after work....thanking the good Lord it was finally warm enough to wear! For some reason I can't find the tank on Old Navy's site so I have no link. 

On Wednesday I shared what's up in our life and Today's Country Radio Pandora is on repeat....there's just something about country music and summer that I love :). 
(This song is playing now as I'm typing this!)

Wednesday was my birthday and I was blessed to have it off. I ran an errand for my mom and did some was perfect!

I met Dan & Ash for lunch at The Mill Street Grille. It was delicious!

And then this happened! Don't worry I shared :). 

My birthday was perfect! So simple but my favorite!

To say I am thankful for this woman is an understatement. She gets me :). 

I mean this was my gift from her! She's my favorite & so was my present. Everything for our home....see she gets me!

I headed home lunch, made a cup of coffee, and relaxed on our patio furniture. 

We went to Bravos for dinner and when it's your birthday this happens......

I made it worse by hitting his hand away which caused the whipped cream to splatter ALL OVER ME!!!

Not joking it was everywhere!! I was flustered and embarrassed so I stormed off to the bathroom.
It's funny now but not at the time lol!
Basically my birthday was my favorite(except the whipped cream.)

I hope you have a blessed holiday weekend and let us all remember why we are able to take a day from work :). 

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