Monday, May 18, 2015

Weekend Wrap-Up: We moved in Edition!

Thursday night we got to move into our house! I have no pictures from that night because we had so may people helping us clean and get everything things organized. We got to stay Thursday night and we had a great first night!  Thank you to everyone who helped!! We could not have done it without you!!!
Friday after work we had little things to get situated and then we headed to the ball field to watch Sam & Drew play each other! I didn't do well with taking pics...sorry Drew :(

 After the boys were done playing we headed over to the girls field where Jaelyn was playing! Woo hoo we finally got to see her play and we got to see her bat once and she made a sacrifice bunt (so proud) and got a girl in at home!!! Then the dreaded lightning :( Remembering back from high school I knew that we had to wait 20 minutes to play and if it did it again we had to wait another 20 minutes. The weather did not look promising so we had plans to go to Walmart (the dreaded first trip) if it rained. Well it was 9 pm and we didn't know when else we were going to go so we went. Call us crazy! We got home at midnight and this was our list!!!

I texted the list to Britt and said that she would be proud...I was headed to Walmart at 9 at night!
Saturday morning we slept in until 8 and then dad was there to fix our toilet (yea no toilet from Thursday night until Saturday morning). Good thing his and my parents live close!


We got to watch these scrumptious kiddos on Saturday!!! I haven't gotten to watch them in forever and I was jumping at the chance to have them again!
They were so funny! I had my scarves half of my scarves in the living room and they had so much fun with them lol!

Lane had 4 scarves on at once and kept bringing more!

She's adorable!

So is he :)


They helped take some things downstairs :)

They napped for 40 minutes which allowed me to get some things cleaned up and write another grocery list :)
Saturday night Noah had a Bachelor party and I headed to dinner with my girlfriends! We ate at Bobe's (we missed you Leah) and then got ice cream at Scoops :)

She will love me for this :) Love you Britt :)
We went back to our house where Leah met up with us and we knew Kylie was asking us to be her bridesmaids but we didn't know how!

This was a tease!

But we finally opened them and she wrote us each a personalized card (loved it Kylie) and then she got us these cute hangers!!!

Kylie I cannot wait to be a part of your big day!!!

Best friends match without planning it :)

We have no TV or Internet yet so Noah set up his play station for us to watch a movie! Love every time we get together...there is so much laughter!
Sunday was graduation Sunday at church so we helped with the meal and then cleaned up, I had nursery during the first service, and then we headed to our contemporary service where the praise band was led by our seniors! They are all amazing and we will miss them dearly when they leave for college!
I needed this at 430 :) Noah and I napped after church and then worked hard core on the house! We accomplished so much and it feels good to have all that done! We still have quite a bit to do but the major things are done and we can enjoy our home!
My aunt Brenda had these flowers made for all of our family when grandpa passed and she had them made again when grandma passed. They are on a shelf in our spare bedroom and I couldn't think of a better place then for them to be together :)

So we have no couch but we will hopefully get one this weekend!

Noah was amazing yesterday and I am going to brag on him! He did so much and I am so thankful that we get to make this house our home together!

My beloved Keurig!!!

Just a few pics of the kitchen and living room :) The kitchen is one of my favorite rooms in our house (we have so much cabinet space!!)
We had a busy weekend and a busy week ahead but we are so thankful to be in our home!!


  1. Those kiddos are adorable! Congrats on the move! I'm getting hangers like that for my bridesmaids too! :)

    1. Thank you! Those hangers are so cute! And congrats on getting married, that is so exciting!
