Thursday, April 16, 2015

Every Girl Link-Up: Nail Painting Tips & Tricks

I'm linking up with Rachel and Astleigh for Every Girl Link-Up!! We are sharing our nail painting tip & tricks!!

I don't really have a ton of tips or tricks because polish doesn't stay on my nails for long.  I love the new Sally Hansen gel nail polish...I do 2 coats and then the top clear coat and I am good to go!

Essie is another favorite of mine :)

The Revlon Colorstay gel envy is AMAZING!!! That polish stays on my nails the best and they have a ton of fun colors!! See a bunch of fun colors here!

A fun color for spring is Essie's play date and it is very pretty too!

This pink color is Ballet Slippers and I've declared it my favorite color ever!! Thanks Erika!
So there you have it :) There aren't many tips because I don't take very good care of my nails!


  1. I love all of the color choices! I'm going to need to try Ballet Slippers out!

  2. love all of the color choices- gray and gold {esp. around the holidays} are favorites of mine!!

  3. Thanks for the recommendation for Revlon Color Stay gel envy!
    I can't wait to buy Ballet Slippers!! :)
