Thursday, April 2, 2015

Bridal Shower

Sunday was my bridal shower!! The countdown is on!!!  We went to the early church service and then headed to my aunt Susan's house where they already had the tables set up! We just had to decorate and prep some food!

Ash got me a camera for my shower gift and I took my first picture with it :)
He loves me!!!  The rest of these pictures are taken courtesy of Ashley with my new camera!

Sister :)


Ashley has a friend from college who's sister is getting married and her wedding colors are almost the same so she let us use some of her decorations!!


Some of the decorations on the tables

My great-aunts made some cookies :)




Future mother-in-law :)

Mom and sister 

My friends are amazing!! They made my cupcakes and cakeballs!! They were delicious!

Dessert table


Love my girlfriends!! Missed you Allyson!

My small bridal party

Opening their gifts from me :) I go them a small pouch from thirty-one with their monogram, their jewelry for the wedding day, and a plaque for each of them :)


Val/Susan know the way to my heart...mashed potatoes



Her house is gorgeous!!



 Cute party goer

Table as you enter

The men hung out in the garage and watched basketball

Love my gift from my sister!!

Notice the wreaths on the windows? Coffee filters dyed!

My mother-in-law can knit...she made us some potholders and dishtowels!! Can't wait to use them :)

Since I didn't have a pic of my camera I took one of the box! Love love my gift Ash!!! Thank you!!!
My future husband!

 Bridal shower-ed out!!
And thank you to all of my family and friends who helped in any way!! Sunday was perfect and I could not ask for better people in my life! Thank you to everyone for the gifts and for coming!!


  1. I'm glad the bluejay was able to make the blog. ;)

    1. I must've forgot to take it down for that picture! Oh well lol!!
