Monday, June 6, 2016

Weekend Wrap-Up: Kylie's Wedding

Whew! I am still trying to recover from this weekend! One of my best friends got married and she had asked me to be in her wedding :).

Ready for picture overload?? 

Thursday evening I had a VBS meeting and then it was out to decorate the hall for her reception. 

It was hard to get good pictures but from the background you can see that it was gorgeous!
Kylie's grandma is amazing at this stuff and she exceeded the expectations & it was beautiful!
(We worked hard Thursday night!)

 I am so thankful for friendships like these :). 

I took Friday off and ran some last minute errands with the beautiful bride. 
Kylie, her sister, & I ran to Walmart and got our nails done. Then Kylie & I ran around some more :). 

Friday night was rehearsal & after the walk-thru we ate some dinner!

Love you Megan :). 

And you too Leah!

Kylie passed out the gifts they got to go with our dresses & YETI cups personalized. We loved them!

We headed out to the reception hall for last minute preparations. 

 Saturday morning started bright & early.
It's wedding day!!

Isn't she beautiful??

Hair & makeup done and we are ready for pictures!

It was crazy busy once we made it to the center. 

 When she had asked us all to be her bridesmaids she got us hangers like above. They are super cute!

Kylie with her mom and grandma :). 

Kylie & her sister, Katie :). 

Throw the actual ceremony in there (I don't have pictures on my phone) and they were married!!

Post wedding!

They took a few pictures before we headed to the reception. 

 They rented a party bus...I think that's the best idea ever!

Ready to go!

But first we stopped, the photographer met us, & took more pictures! 

I got to walk down with Kent, Noah's long-time friend & our neighbor. He gets married next month!

It's blurry on my phone but can you imagine how it'll look professionally taken?? I cannot wait to see!

And then I had a burst of 83 pictures from these three lol. 

One of my favorites!

I love this one!!

We arrived at the reception and the rest was kinda a blur!
I love that Kylie & I now share the "C" in our last name because she was able to use that C on the left from us!

It was such a perfect day for these two!

My hubby sat with my parents. 

Love him :). 

The sweet flower girl & I. 

And this was pretty late in the night lol. 

Alayna & I...she moves to Louisiana today for her job. I know she is super nervous and would appreciate any prayers that are said. Good luck Alayna and you will do great!

I had a little to much fun and used much of Sunday to recuperate. 
Kylie's dad made those wooden coozies himself. 

Sunday afternoon we got to celebrate Embry's first birthday!
She is the sweetest little girl and she brings so much joy & happiness to our lives!

She got a chair from someone & how sweet is she??

She got a car from her parents and loved being pushed around!

Here comes the cake!

She loved it! Big sister Elin was right there to help her eat it. 

Noah & I love these two little girls big!

Elin & Jerzie. They are a year apart but you wouldn't know it!

VBS started at our church last night and I helped with the 3 year olds so Elin came along. 

It was her first time and we were nervous she wouldn't want to stay the whole time. 
But she did great! Elin was playing the guitar and singing. 

She got down and played some games. We learned that Jesus is our Shepard and we are his sheep. All Jesus has to say is Follow Me and we follow him. 
By the time Lacey picked her up she was singing and dancing along with the rest of the VBS groups!

Night #2 is tonight and we can't wait!

We had a busy weekend but it was filled with so much love!

Happy Monday :). 


  1. Blake, Kylie is so lucky to have such a tight circle of friends! You girls looked gorgeous and were such a tremendous help this weekend!! Thank you!

  2. Those bridesmaids dresses are GORGEOUS. Love them! We are going to a wedding later this month and I'm so excited! After our wedding I've just wanted to go to alllll the weddings! But we know like no one getting married!
