Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday - Pets

Okay so I had my pictures uploaded for my weekend wrap-up yesterday and then it just didn't happen. Maybe tomorrow.
But today it's Show & Tell Tuesday and I'm talking all about pets!
If you aren't an animal lover come back tomorrow :).

Now before you continue reading just know that the cat pictured above, Perky, was my best friend.
That may sound weird but he was and I want to be honest about it. 

We had other cats growing up but it seems we never had them as long as we had Perky. My great-aunt always had cats so when one of ours died or got sick, we called her and she always gave one to us. I think I was around 10ish when we got Perky.

I grew up with him and he was the most cuddly cat ever! I mean ever.
He was the best about me playing with him and annoying him.

When I headed off to college being away from him was the hardest. This picture was my first time back home and I couldn't wait to squeeze him!

Perky's favorite spot was between the computer stand and the wall where an air vent was. When the heat was on that's where we would look first. 

He loved other things like sitting on the kitchen countertops.....

.....and sleeping on the kitchen table.

He was the best about snuggling.  I slept on the top bunk in our room and I would carry Perky up there with me. Once I was asleep he would leave to sleep somewhere with more room (a twin bed is pretty small.)

Blurry selfie :).

Joe even got in on the snuggles. 

New collar for the spoiled cat. Sometime in Perky's life we would all feed him when we got home from whatever we were doing. Then when my dad got home (always pretty late) he would feed him too. Perky got huge! So once we figured out that we were all feeding him, the only time he got fed was by dad lol. 

He loved to lay on you and that was one of my favorites!

He was really happy about this picture (if you can't tell.)

My senior year of college I was commuting and we knew Perky wasn't doing well. I got the text during one of my classes that they were going to have to put him down. I freaked! I left class and drove home to say goodbye one last time. I'm crying thinking about it. It sounds silly but that cat meant so much to me and still does. 

The following Christmas my parents adopted a cat, Asher, from the local humane society. He was scared at first but since then has come into his own. He's not as laid back as Perky and I'm not as close with him because I no longer live at home. 

I think we've had two dogs in our lifetime too. They were both Cole's but we all loved them. Princess was a beagle and was hit by a car not to long after we got her. And then we got Johnnie. I call him John.

He's also a beagle and I am not a dog person. At all. 

But he's pretty darn sweet so I love on him when I'm over. John is the neighborhood dog.....everyone feeds him and some of the neighbors even let them in their house to sit on their couch lol!

He takes great selfies lol. 

Now Noah & I have said we will NEVER get a pet. I don't like dogs and he is allergic to cats so hopefully that stays true once we have children & they beg for one. 


  1. Love this! Perky looks like he has SO MUCH personality!

  2. Perky is precious. I love bigger cats and he is just so chubby and cute!

  3. Sweet post! Made me me pudgy Perky. I loved getting my cat snuggle fix when I came to your house. Your email was even made from your cat's name!! I love the story about Mr John going to neighbor's houses for food/treats. haha

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