Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday - What's In Your Bag

Happy Tuesday friends! 

I'm joining Andrea for Show & Tell Tuesday!

Today is all about my bag & what's in it!

I've carried this purse since Christmas. I can't believe that was almost 6 months ago!

It was a gift from Noah for Christmas and obviously I've loved it!

 It's from Glik's and no longer available...boo!

Here's a look into my bag!

 Here it is with everything out of it. I feel like for a 23 year-old with no children it's a lot. But I always like to be prepared just in case!
Side note: I ALWAYS carry my glasses with me because....when I worked at the hospital I faced a huge problem. I was at work for about an hour (maybe less) and noticed that everything was really blurry. LIke I couldn't see my computer screen, so I went to the bathroom and tried to see if it was my contact. (I am allergic to contact solution so I couldn't take them out & put them back in.) Well I pulled my contact out of my eye and two contacts came out. Yeah, it was awesome. Apparently I had forgotten to take my contacts out from the night before and then put new ones over the top. How on earth did I manage that???? I didn't have an extra set or my glasses so I had to drive home and get them. So needless to say they are with me at all times now. I am only 2 minutes away from home now so it wouldn't be a big deal if I needed to run home & get them. 

Back to my bag.....

 Erin Condren planner, a book I'm reading, & two notepads. I never go without a notepad to write things down in. It's my lifesaver!

So last week I did a better job at filling out our schedule. But this week is mostly taken up by VBS so that's all I really need. 

Currently reading Anything by Jennie Allen and I am loving it!

A close up of the pens I use to color-code everything in my planner. They are my fav!
People make fun that I carry so many pens around but they help keep me organized! 

My mini zipper pouches are the best! 
And my FAVORITE scent from Bath & Body Works (it's always with me!)

I mean all of these items were tucked inside my zipper pouch! I usually have more packed in there but not right now. 

And this morning I had goodies from Stella & Dot to hand out! 

So there's the random array of my bag!!

I can't wait to see what everyone else hoards in their bags!


  1. I love how organized your bag is-- I think this link up us shaming me into getting my bag in better shape ;) Liz @ familyoffoley.wordpress.com

  2. great post friend! so glad i found your blog through the show and tell link up today!
