Friday, June 10, 2016

Friday Favorites - VBS Edition

Whew....Friday I am so glad you are here.
I have been thrown off this week with VBS starting on Sunday....I kept thinking it was a day later when it really wasn't. Anyway Friday is finally here and I am so happy!

I'm linking up with ErikaNarci, & Andrea like every other Friday :). 

My Friday Favorites are a random assortment of things that mostly include Miss Elin & VBS. 

Elin is the daughter of some of our best friends and this year she was old enough to attend VBS. She was preparing for VBS at her church in a couple of weeks and I thought why not invite her to ours?? So she wanted to come and let me tell you she had the best time! 
The theme was Barnyard Roundup and was super cute. 
There was a bible verse for every night and Sunday's was Psalms 23:1, "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want."

She loved the music & dancing at opening and closing each night. It was her FAVORITE!!
Night two's bible verse was Psalms 23:2, " He makes me lie down in green pastures."

 This picture is one of my FAVORITES from last weekend. I didn't post it with the rest because I didn't have access to it at the time. But we were all waiting upstairs on guests to file into the church. 

My Jesus Calling devotion from Tuesday was spot on. 
Who is in charge of your life?? How humbling.
The bible verses down at the bottom are my FAVORITE. In Luke 12: 22-31 Jesus warns about worry. I have it highlighted and bookmarked to refer back to when I become worried and overcome by this world. 

On a lighter note Tuesday I shared my bag with you and I loved this little linkup!
My FAVORITE was seeing what goodies everyone else had in their bags!

I was with 3 year-olds all week and they have so much energy! We played a plant game Tuesday night and they thought it was so funny! I think it was their FAVORITE. 

Then they played duck, duck, goose. The bible verse for Tuesday was Psalms 23:3, "He leads me in paths of righteousness."

A big, big house was her FAVORITE of the week (mine too!)

 Wednesday on our lunches Gabby & I went to see the new office. It will be our FAVORITE once it's done!

I have no pictures of Wednesday night...I guess we were having too much fun! The bible verse for that night was Psalms 23:4, "I will fear no evil, for You are with me."

 Last night was closing and we were sad to see our week come to a close. 
We made fun hats!

And snack was donuts shaped like the tomb....our story was about Jesus coming out of the tomb and rising again. We talked in depth about Mary & Jesus' friends & their reactions. 
Our bible verse was Psalms 23:6, "I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

Elin, I had the best time teaching your class this week. 3 year-olds are so happy & joyous....they were my FAVORITE!

We'll end on a happy note. My Julep box came yesterday and I couldn't wait to get it open! I instantly tried out that blueish/purple color and it's my new FAVORITE! 
If you haven't tried Julep I think you should! 

PS - This post contained affiliate links, which means that if you clicked on a link and purchased an item, I may receive a small commission.  THANK YOU!!!


  1. Another great Barnyard VBS, loved this theme and love your heart for serving preschools, God Bless your brave heart!!

  2. omg shes such a cutie and what a great theme! so glad i found you through the link up! hope you're able to stop by my blog too! happy Friday!
