Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday: Favorite Vacation

Today I am linking up with Andrea for Show & Tell Tuesday and we get to share our favorite vacation ever!

This is a hard one. It really is. We grew up taking vacations every year and those are some of my favorite memories as a child. Maybe I'll post about all of our family vacations sometime.

That being said I really enjoyed our honeymoon. 
Genesis 2:24 says, "This explains why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one."

There's just something about that verse that really sticks with me and makes me realize that Noah is my family now and we are making memories as a family. Now that I went all deep on you......my favorite vacation would be Saint Lucia with my hubby!

We had the best time as husband & wife. We zip-lined through the rain forest, immersed ourselves in a mud bath (I know!), laid around the pool, drank lots of drinks, golfed, & ate lots of Italian (hello picky eater!)

You can click on the link below each picture to see more about our trip!

Last summer we went to Outerbanks with my mom's side of the family(like we do every 2 years) and it was Noah's first time. There's nothing like being in a huge house with 15+ bedrooms and 30+ people, but we wouldn't have it any other way :).

You can read all about it below:

This summer I have a girls trip planned and we go with Noah's family to the beach! We are super excited!!

To see all of my past Show & Tell Tuesday's, click here.

Next time I'll share what's in my bag!

1 comment:

  1. Stopping from the link up-- I went to Sandals and St Lucia for my honeymoon too-- loved it!!!
