Thursday, May 26, 2016

A Day in the Life

I've seen others bloggers do A Day in the Life and I decided why not? I love looking back at my posts and in 3 years when my life is in a different stage, I want to remember what I did with my days. Not everyday is the same for me but my morning routine usually is. 

This particular day was a Tuesday. 
Our alarms go off at 4:50 am and Noah gets right out of bed. It takes me a few minutes longer. 

I start my workout between 530 and 545 am. 

Time to jump in the shower. 

Showered and then on this day I put coconut oil on my body. I try to do this once a week. 

Coffee is gone :( 

Halfway dressed. I normally drink my coffee and blog but some days it's different. 

Ready for work!

I've made the habit of reading my Jesus Calling first thing now. But on this day I read it right before I left for work. Making time for Jesus at the start of my day :). 

Mid-morning snack. Dried mangos from Trader Joe's...yum!!

I was doing Whole 30 then and this was my yummy lunch. I get an hour so I come home to eat. 

Since I have an hour I read....this day I was reading Into the Deep. 

Back home at 5 and started supper. 

Noah had basketball so I ate spaghetti and drank some wine on the couch!

Turned on some Elf around 7!

I guess on this evening we had nothing going on which is rare!

Time for bed! I try to go to bed between 9 and 10.

Maybe next time I do one of these posts I'll be better about taking pictures. 

The weekend is almost here!

1 comment:

  1. I always love these posts - I need to try it one day myself.
    Good for you working out early! I just cant do it - night time is my sweat time
