Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Show & Tell Tuesday: Intro & Resolutions

Show & Tell Tuesday is one of my favorite link-ups. It's a year long (twice a month) link-up with Andrea where we talk about different things such as ourselves, families, organizational tips...you get the drift :).
To start off 2016 we are re-introducing ourselves and sharing our resolutions.
My name is Blake and I am 22 years old. I have been blessed to be married to Noah for almost nine months now. We live in the little old town of Loogootee where we both went to elementary and high school (he was 5 years older.) Both of our families live in Loogootee and we love having our entire families so close to us.
We both love our town where Noah coaches tennis and basketball so most of our fall, winter, and spring are spent on the tennis court or in the gym.
In 2015 we were able to travel many places and do so many things together...it makes life more interesting :).

We love our Cubbies!!!
We can't wait to see where we travel in 2016!
I started this blog as a scrapbook to document our lives and I love what it has blossomed into. I share some of my favorite things here and that's what makes it fun. I can write and document anything I wish. I love looking back on this past year and seeing what was important in our lives.
I love all things fall & pumpkin. Christmas is at the top too. Give me all the coffee and reading material. I could spend all my time on Pinterest.
I share almost daily on Instagram. (It's my favorite!)
I recently created a FB page for my blog and you can like it here.
I didn't really write down any resolutions but a few things I am passionate about this year include:
Eating healthy & exercising and reading my Bible daily
The eating healthy & exercising is just something I want to do for myself. God gave me this body and I want to take care of it for me and Him.
I already have a daily Bible verse that I read every morning on my phone but I want to dig deeper in God's word this year.
This was fun today! I can't wait to read through the other blogs :).

Here's the rest of the year all planned out.....


  1. so glad to have met you! this is such a great post! hope you check my blog out as well!

  2. We love the outer banks, too! Nice to "meet" you! http://smialeklife.blogspot.com

  3. Loved getting to know you more!
    My husband and I are 4 years apart & we still live in the town we both grew up in also! We have been married for 13 years :)
    Here is my post:
