Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas 2015 Part 2

Today I'm finishing up the last of our Christmas celebrations.
The day after Christmas my girlfriends and I got together for lunch, to exchange gifts, and to laugh. A lot.
Two of my friends also got selfie sticks so we had lots of fun with those!

See loads of fun??

I love these ladies more than anything. They are so fun and the thing that is most important that we all have in common? Our love for Jesus. I know at any given moment we can text (we have a running group message that the men in our life love) and at least one will respond with words of encouragement. For that I am so blessed and thankful. I mean we all went to kindergarten together (for the most part.)
We had such a fun Christmas together!
That evening was my mom's side family Christmas.
You're welcome Abby :).

What did we do before selfie sticks???

I'm also so thankful that my best friend is marrying into the fam!
Sunday morning before church I was enjoying the last day of our Christmas being up. 

And my SIL got us this ornament for Christmas.
Phew we had a busy few days there but it was filled with family, friends, & love and that's what matters.


  1. Your outfits are always so cute! I love your console table under your TV. I am also obsessed with that ornament!! We didn't get a first married Christmas ornament but I'm going to try to find one now. I wish I knew where your SIL got that one!!!

    1. Well I searched for first married Christmas ornaments and an almost identical one with only a few differences came up...guess we'll have almost matching ornaments! Haha!
