Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Quinn Scott Callahan

So really all was not well. It was but I tricked some of my family lol!! I was dilated to a 3 Friday when we went and my doctor was on call that weekend so we scheduled induction the following morning at 7:30 am. We headed to the basketball game Friday night and the amount of people we had to "fib" to was quite a few lol!
We got to the hospital the following morning and started the process. I wasn't progressing the best but I asked for my epidural (because that worked last time), received it around 230-3 and baby #2 made their arrival at 4:07 pm. I'd say the epidural worked lol! We chose not to find out the sex so we were so anxious to find out and it's a girl!!! I will say that is hands down the best surprise we've ever had! Sharing that emotional moment with my husband is something I will cherish forever.  

We named her Quinn and she gave us a run for our money those first few hours!
I won't go into huge detail for privacy purposes but they thought the nasal passages could be closed back to her nose, possible club foot, and congenital hip dysplasia. Umm yeah.....thank the Lord this was not our first child because that would've been way more scary. When the doctor was telling us all the possibilities I felt so at peace because I knew whatever was thrown our way God would fully equip us to handle it. Now that she is 4 weeks old I will tell you that all of the possible things are gone. Well her hip we are giving it time but sweet girl just needed some time in this world to get straightened out. 
The Lord has spoken the word time to me more than once throughout this sickness/baby #2 process and that's all Quinn needed.  
Now that I've filled you in, here are some pictures :). 

Big brother helped to calm our nerves and pass the time.

We had her at 4:07 and didn't get to see her again until 8:30 that evening. Noah hadn't held her and our family didn't get to meet her until Sunday. But that meant for extra time just the 3 of us Saturday night. 

I love comparison pictures. 
Give me all the bows lol!

Our first family of four picture. 

Graham wasn't too sure about her lol. 

Papaw & Mamaw Callahan

Auntie Mo who is due with baby boy Jones in June!

And oh man the love these boys have for Graham!

"Helping" dad feed Quinn. 

Noah had my phone....

I think Graham is more fun for Drew right now but he got in on the baby snuggles. 

Monday morning was discharge day so I dressed her for her hospital picture and we waited.
I was okay to leave that morning. 

So Bies came to see her around lunch and she spit up all over him (this was her 3rd time doing that to the nurses/doctors) so he ordered a GI test to make sure there was no blockage. We waited some more (see that time word is coming up again.) Everything turned out normal so he switched her formula and had us do a feeding at the hospital to make sure she kept it down. She did!!

And don't we have the best family?!?!

Mom and dad brought Graham back to us that evening and we began life as a family of four!

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