Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Spiel the Beans: Summer Bucket List

Today I thought I would join Shelly over at The Queen in Between for her link-up and share my Summer Bucket List :).

We don't have any children yet so my summer bucket list may look a tad different than everyone else's lol. 

Work the Kids Mini Camp. Two years ago I was able to work it and it was so fun! Last year I didn't have the time off work so I wasn't able to. This year I am blessed with a job where they let me take off and I am super excited to share this time with children.
We've already seen our Cubbies play this year but we love Wrigley Field so much we want to go back again! We'll see....cross your fingers :). 

 Lots of pool time with fruity drinks :). 

Watch baseball & softball. 

 Invite these people over for another sleepover :). 
Gosh I love these four. 

I have a feeling we will be in the gym quite a bit too....tourneys every weekend!

And last but not least....the most important. Ice cream!! Lots & lots of ice cream :)


  1. Bring on the pool and ice cream!

  2. I'm with you on the drinks by the pool and ice cream!! Guess I better make sure the gym is on my list...womp, womp. Thank you so, so much for linking up with us Blake!

  3. Love this list - totally agree with the ice cream and guess I should add working out to my list! HA! Thanks for linking up with me and Shelly!

  4. Summer's not just for kids. Wrigley Field looks amazing. Hoping to catch a game too since Chicago is on our list this summer

  5. Pool time, fruity drinks and ice cream? Yes, please! Great list!
