Monday, August 12, 2019

Destin 2019: Days 1-3

Every two years my mom's siblings, their kids, & grandkids all rent a big ole house for a week! This year we were back at Destin and there were around 46-ish of us! Everyone left at different times but caught up in Birmingham, AL on Friday night (if they left Friday.)
Our first long trip just the 4 of us!

We picked the kids up around 1 from Mindy's and thought it will be perfect.....naptime!
Umm no lol.....Graham napped for maybe 15-20 minutes and then was awake until 7:30 pm! We pulled into our hotel around 9:30 pm so that made for a fun night where the parents were tired!
I should also mention that we should have made it to the hotel between 6 & 7 but a semi accident, construction, and a 5-car (no one was injured) accident made for a 2-2.5 detour!

Lots of climbing in the back!

Day 2 we left and couldn't get into our house until 3 or so. This drive down felt like forever lol!!
A good book helped pass the time. 

We stayed downtown Birmingham and these rural residents had a time finding some coffee!

A few excerpts from this book. 

We stopped for lunch at Chick-fil-a.

We made it lol!!! Sunday morning we found a church and ventured out!

Miss Quinn & I matched for church!

Quinn isn't the best/most sound napper so she napped by the pool most of the week. 

I went for a run around 5 was hot!

Papaw's sidekick!

Popsicles for days!

We ended up renting two houses and this is the house we stayed in. The back of the house was in the bay and this was our view. So pretty.

This week is spent mostly just hanging out around the house so you will see lots of that!

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